Research projects

Renner in Translation. English translation and edition of Renner´s „Der Kampf der österreichischen Nationen um den Staat“. Contract with Palgrave. 

Marina Germane & Börries Kuzmany 

Financing: Renner-Institut, BMEIA, Hist-Kult.


Nationalization in Revolutionary Ukraine, 1905–1923: Ukrainian Self-Determination and Russian Nationality. Doctoral project

Yuki Murata

Financing: Monbukagakusho Scholarship & Go. Investigatio Scholarship (ÖAW), Marietta Blau Scholarship


Becoming National Against the State: Popular discontent and adherence to minority nationalisms in late nineteenth-century Eastern Europe

Ágoston Berecz

Financing: European Research Council (starting Januar 2024)


The Muslims and the Policies toward Muslims in the Habsburg Empire under Dualism. Doctoral project

Genki Okuda

Financing: University of Tokio, Monbukagakusho Scholarship.


Empire-Building and Cultural Transfer between the 17th and 19th Century. Doctoral project

Stephanie Ziehaus

Financing: Doc-Stipendium (ÖAW)


Zwischen Bilingualismus und Diglossie: zur Entwicklung einer italienisch-deutschsprachigen Rechtskultur in Südtirol am Beispiel der Strafgerichtspraxis, 1899–2022. Doctoral project

Alexander Teutsch

Financing: University assistant


Minorities and the State. Non-Territorial Autonomy in Estonia in the Late Tsarist and Interwar Periods, 1900–1940. Book project.

Timo Aava

Financing: Jacob Robinson Institute for the History of Individual and Collective Rights, Hebrew University of Jerusalem. 


Aleksandr Semenov (1873–1948): An imperial and soviet life. Book project.

Matthias Battis

Financing: JESH-ÖAW, Nizami Ganjavi Centre, Oxford University. 


The internationalisation of minority rights and transnational minority activism during the 20th century. Book project.

Marina Germane


“A Withered Olive Branch”? The Curious Situation of Hungarian Jews during the Dissolution of the Habsburg Empire (1918/19). Journal article

Anna Adorjáni